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  • Writer's pictureCourtney McGeown

The Perfect Monday Dinner - Leftover Roast Post

The only thing better than a roast dinner?? The leftovers! Now for me this purely applies to beef (and honey glazed ham but beef in this post.) On a Monday night, it’s probably cold and raining and you can’t be bothered cooking because you just put so much effort into last nights roast with all the sides: dauphinoise potatoes, broccoli, carrots and best of all the gravy!! As we know I am a lover of all things sauce and gravy is just a gorgeous, hearty sauce that goes with just about everything!

My favourite dish to make with my slices of tender left over roast beef is a French Dip Sandwich! Lovely, fluffy, crusty bread stuffed full with warmed up slices of beef which have been slathered in the scrumptious gravy. The next step is all up to you and however you do things. You can, as the name suggests; simply dip the little boat of heaven into your gravy keeping it classy and modest, another popular method is to pour gravy all over the sandwich and eat it politely with a knife and fork. But, for the real wild cards, the purest of connoisseur knows the best way is to douse the sandwich in gravy, still pick it up with your hands to then dip back into the gravy and shove it in your face and get the full on French dip experience as the luscious gravy drips down your chin and truly immerses you in the meaty, garlicy, 'oomphy' flavour that is this spectacular sandwich!!

No it’s not polite to eat it in this way, but it is the best way! Make sure your meat is sliced nice and wafer thin, (this is also when present you will thank past you for seasoning the meat so well before you cooked it the day before) and coat well with the gravy, I personally do not put butter on this sandwich but there are no judgements in butter usage on this page. however, do not argue with me on this, any old bread is not appropriate! You need crusty bread unless you're into eating sandwiches with a spoon. The crusty bread is required to hold all the saucy, meaty goodness together while you get proper stuck in! Now, if your thinking; "well I don't have crusty bread, who just has crusty bread in their house?" Then this is something you should instinctively consider when buying all ingredients for the roast you so carefully planned out. And if you didn't then more fool you and you were not fully prepared for your roast then were ya?

This dinner is especially for being in your comfiest eating-jammies you don’t mind getting messy, on the couch in front of the tv with kitchen roll, tissues, baby wipes or just your tongue as your clean-up weapon of choice. There are other items that could come into play here such as some caramelised onions, maybe a little French mustard but the best way is to not waste any further dishes because this is a 'cannot be bothered after a long day' kind of meal where you microwave everything in the containers you popped them into last night and then still begrudgingly get a plate or bowl out to assemble it on.

Enjoy my lovelies and thank me next Monday after you’ve tried this either for this first time or for the thousandth time because if you’ve had it before there’s no way you’ve just had it the once!


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